Hamas Leaders Looking For New HQ As Pressure Mounts For Hostage Deal: Report

rohit rohit | 04-22 00:11

Hamas leaders are seeking a new political base outside Qatar as pressure mounts on the Gulf state to persuade the group to agree to a hostage-release deal, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Palestinian outfit has reportedly contacted leaders of two Middle Eastern nations, including Oman. This comes as concerns escalate over the potential fallout if Hamas leaders exit Qatar, which has been a key mediator in ceasefire negotiations to free hostages captured on Oct. 7.

Talks, already on shaky ground, face imminent collapse as distrust intensifies between the Palestinian faction and negotiators. The quest for a new political headquarters comes amid pressure from Qatari and Egyptian mediators urging the terror group to ease conditions for hostage release, threatening expulsion otherwise. “The talks have already stalled again with barely any signs or prospects for them to resume any time soon, and distrust is rising between Hamas and the negotiators,” an Arab mediator is quoted as saying by WSJ.

Doha, Qatar’s capital, has hosted Palestinian leaders since 2012 under US-backed arrangements. However, US lawmakers and Israeli politicians have slammed Qatar, urging the Biden administration to sever ties with Hamas, alleging support for terrorism. In response to mounting pressure, Qatar’s Prime Minister, Muhammad al-Thani, declared a review of the country’s mediation role between Israel and Gaza, citing “abuse” towards Qatar for its efforts to broker a truce in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

This report came as Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh landed in Istanbul on Saturday to discuss a fair and lasting peace in the region with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. It was the first meeting between Erdogan and a Hamas delegation headed by Haniyeh since Israel began its military offensive in the Gaza Strip. The visit took place amid escalating regional tensions following Israel’s reported attack on Iran this week.

(With agency inputs)

About the Author
Rohit is sub-editor at News18.com and covers international news. He previously worked with Asian News International (ANI). He is interested in world a...Read More

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